Bloomberg News: Microsoft Files Cybersquatting Lawsuits
Not to be outdone by the likes of this blog, Bloomberg News today reported that Microsoft has filed three lawsuits against alleged cybersquatters. One of the three is Microsoft Corp. v. Kovyrin (complaint here), which STL reported on yesterday.
Interestingly, the lawsuits are part of a unified effort against cybersquatters involving trademark owners Dell Inc., Time Warner Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Yahoo! Inc., as well as the International Trademark Association. (INTA press release here).
The Bloomberg story cites Microsoft as saying it has brought 15 similar cases in the past year, enabling it “to take possession of more than 2,000 misused domain names and recover more than $1.17 million in illegal profits.”

The Chicago Tribune published a story today about one of the the other suits, Microsoft v. Peppler.
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