Topline Agrees to Injunction to Settle Adidas Lawsuit Over Shoe Stripe Designs
November 16, 2009
Michael Atkins in Seattle Updates, Trademark Infringement

As folks may remember, Adidas America, Inc., sued The Topline Corp. in the Western District for trademark infringement. (STL post here.)

Looks like the parties have settled.

On Nov. 13, they filed a proposed Permanent Injunction on Consent and Stipulated Dismissal, which will dismiss the parties’ claims and counterclaims against each other. It also defines the two-, three-, and four-stripe designs that Topline will be permanently enjoined from using (such as those depicted above), including:

The injunction, of course, won’t take effect unless and until it’s signed by the court.

The case cite is Adidas America, Inc. v. Topline Corp., No. 09-646 (W.D. Wash.).

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